Who am I?

When I watched and reviewed 365 films in as many days I have developed a short review style, especially as I didn't want to waste too much time writing reviews.  So now I try to keep them all to a similar length.  You are probably wondering who I am and why would I have attempted such a bonkers challenge?

Well, my name is Lynn and I love films.  I like action, science fiction, horror, comedy, and would watch pretty much anything, although I am not too keen on period dramas.  As a child whenever I started watching a film I could not stop, even if I only saw a couple of minutes.  No matter how bad, I would just sit there and hope it got better, quite often it didn’t.  But that didn’t put me off.

Here are some of my favourite films in no particular order;

Star Wars (the original Trilogy and Revenge of the Sith)
The Lord of the Rings
Role Models
Dawn of the Dead (original, although the re-make was pretty good as well)

Film Year was my attempt to get better value out of the films that I already own whilst catching some films I haven’t seen but always meant to.

I hope you enjoyed the journey.
