
...2 ...

Did you get it?  If only George Clooney wasn't so instantly recognisable!  Yes, that was Three Kings starring George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and Ice Cube.  This next one is one of my favourites and I will definitely try and squeeze it into Film Year.

Can you name this film from the images below?

Post your answer in the comments.


...3 ...

The final picture made the last one a little too easy me thinks!  It was of course the Fantastic Four starring Chris Evans and Jessica Alba.  This one should be a little trickier although I'm sure you'll still get it.

Identify the film from the images below.

Post your answer in the comments.


...4 ...

You must have got that one?  That was Luc Besson's visual spectacular The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich.  This one is even easier.  Name the film from the images below.

Post your answer in the comments.


...5 ...

Did you get that one then?  It was M. Night Shyamalan's mind blowing The Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis.  You're are bound to get this one, there aren't too many that look quite like this.  Come on, you know it, it's on the tip of your tongue.  Name the film from the images below.

Post your answer in the comments.


...6 ...

That was easier than trying to eat another plate of Christmas turkey, if you didn't get it then maybe you should think about watching some more films!  Of course that was no turkey, it was the dark crime thriller Se7en with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey.  I'm quite certain you'll get this one.  Can you identify the film from the images below?

Post your answer in the comments.


...7 ...

Now you really must have got that one.  It was Danny Boyle's absolutely fantastic British Zombie film 28 Days Later starring Cillian Murphy.  There are now only 7 days until the start of Film Year, and a coincidence it is Christmas day today.  So, Merry Christmas and as a present to you here is the next film for you to identify from the images below.

Post your answer in the comments.


...8 ...

Ok, surely you got that one?  That was from the fantastic South African science fiction thriller District 9 starring Sharlto Copley.  Ok, once more all you have to do is identify the film, this time with the number 8 in the title, from the images below?

Post your answer in the comments.


...9 ...

Did you get it?  It was of course from 10 Things I Hate About You starring Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles.  Same again today, except there is now only 9 days until the start of Film Year.  Can you identify the film with the number 9 in the title from the images below?

Post your answer in the comments.


The Countdown Begins... 10...

As of today there is only ten days until the start of Film Year.  So let's play a game.  Over the next ten days I will post three pictures each day from a film with the number of the countdown in the title.  All you've got to do is guess the films from the pictures.  Post the answer in the comments.

Here is the first one...

Can you name this film?


Has it been snowing?

Here is the last Film-year picture quiz for 2010 and as most of the British Isles has been thrown into chaos by a little bit of snow here is a quiz where all of the pictures have snow in them.  All you've got to do is name them.  Easier than shovelling your drive!

Why not challenge your friends and see who can get them all first?

Game 14 – Snow

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.

What name would you give an Alien?

Would it be Paul?  Probably not, but that is the name given to the Alien that a couple of comic book enthusiasts find whilst travelling across the United States of America.  These two comic book enthusiasts are played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.  This looks well worth watching and if it is anything like Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, it will be brilliant.

Paul has a UK release date of the 18th of February 2011 and here is the trailer.

So what name would you give an alien?


Think you're tough?

Well, unless you have had to cut your own are off with a pen knife in the middle of the desert and then go and get help, then you have nothing on this guy.  Danny Boyle directs 127 Hours, the real life story of Aron Ralston.  It's going to be intense!

127 Hours has a UK release date of the 7th of January 2011, here is the trailer to give you a taste of the action.

Christmas Sales

Keep a look out, because on the 27th December 2010 Edgar Wright, of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz fame, directs Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim vs The World.  This looks to be a fast paced non stop action film and as a big fan of Edgar Wright's work I'm certainly looking forward to it.  Adapted from a comic of the same name, Scott must battle and defeat the seven evil ex-boyfriends of his new girlfriend.  So, anyhow, if you're thinking of buying me something in the sales...

Here is the trailer to give you a little taste of what to expect.


What number did you say you were?

I am Number Four is the story of teenager trying to escape from a mysterious organisation.  Numbers One, Two and Three have already died and surely it's only a matter of time before Number Four goes the same way.  This looks like a feature length teen version of heroes.  It could be good, but I will still probably wait until it is released on DVD before taking the chance.

I am Number Four has a UK release date of the 18th of February 2011 and here is the trailer.


Is it just me?

Yesterday I had a fairly lengthy discussion with my friends about our top ten films and the main talking point was The Big Lebowski.  All of my friends either had it in their top ten or just outside with a special mention.  Personally whilst I didn’t hate The Big Lebowski I’m afraid it wouldn’t make it into my top one hundred films let along my top ten.  I appreciate that not everyone will like the same films, look at Ian, but I really don’t understand what everyone sees in The Big Lebowski.

I need some help, basically either I need to find out if there are others like me out there that didn’t think it was that good, or if you do like it why?  Can you explain to me what was the point of the film?


Kato: The Movie

Ok, so it's actually The Green Hornet, but it really is all about Kato.  Jay Chou picks up from the legendary Bruce Lee in the role of Kato, sidekick to The Green Hornet.  This looks like it will have a good amount of comedy and action as Seth Rogan takes the role of the Green Hornet.  And with more gadgets than a James Bond movie this film could have it all.  Oh and there's Cameron Diaz as well just to cover all bases.

The Green Hornet has a UK releas date of the 14th of January 2011, so not long at all really.  Here is the trailer.


Are you talkin' to me?

Ok this one might be a little more tricky than the rest.  Robert De Niro has made a lot of films, played a lot of different roles... you already know what's coming don't you...  Can you identify all of the films from the twenty five different pictures of Robert De Niro?

Why not challenge your friends and see who can get them all first?

Game 13 – De Niro

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


A Sporting Chance

I do like a film with a sports theme to it and to celebrate that here is another quiz based entirely on sports based films.  Can you identify all of the films from the pictures?

Why not challenge your friends and see who can get them all first?

Game 12 – Sports

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


What about the '80s

So the 1990s was pretty easy to remember, but can you remember as far back as the 1980s? Why not refresh your memories with this challenging quiz?  All you have to do is name all twenty five films from the frames.  Hurry, there will be another tomorrow.

Why not challenge your friends and see who can get them all first?

Game 11 – The 1980s

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


It's Hammer Time

A little while back I posted a trailer for the Green Lantern.  Remember I said that the Green Lantern wasn't in my top ten superheroes, well, Thor most definitely is and Marvel have finally officially released the trailer.  For those that don't know who Thor is... firstly shame on you... he is the Norse god of thunder who wields a mighty mystical hammer.  Cast out of Asgard and sent to Earth where he becomes one of Earth's most powerful defenders.

Thor has a UK release date of the 29th of April 2011 and finally here is the trailer.


Autobots, roll out

Ok, so it hasn't got Megan Fox in it but it could still be worth watching.  As an action film I'm sure it will deliver lots of action, giant robots and plenty of fighting.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon has a UK release date of the 29th of June 2011, but until then you will have to make do with this trailer.


Secret Santa

Recently lots of film stars have taken to wearing disguises to avoid the paparazzi.  And as it's Christmas many have chosen to wear a Santa disguise.  Can you name all of the film stars hidden behind the beard and hat?

Game 10 – Santa

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


Do you remember the 90s?

I'm sure you probably do.  It wasn't that long ago after all, although is does seem like an age has passed since then!  Anyhow why not refresh your memories with a challenging quiz?  All you have to do is name all twenty five films from the frames.  Better get on with it, there will be another tomorrow.

Why not challenge your friends and see who can get them all first?

Game 9 – The 1990s

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


Where are all the Robots?

By now we should really all be living the life of luxury thanks to our robotic helpers.  But sadly we are not, so where are all of the robots?  To make up for the lack of robots in our everyday life, here is a quiz packed full of robots.  Can you identify all of the films from their robot stars?

Game 8 – Robots

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


The name's Bond, but which one?

It's been a while since the last game so I thought this one had better be special, and you are in for a treat.  How well do you know James Bond?  Well, we'll soon find out.  Can you name all of the James Bond films when you only have one frame to look at?

What are you waiting for, click the link below.

Game 7 - James Bond

For further instructions and the full list of games check out the ‘Games’ tab.


Have you been bad? Need to score some points for Christmas

If you’ve got to go to see a chick flick, then this might just be the film for you. It tells the story of a small town girl, Christina Aguilera, who goes to the big city to make her dreams of becoming a singer come true. The big city can be cruel and this small town girl ends up working at the Burlesque club next door, managed, as you would expect, by Cher. Anyway this is a film with a simple story, singing and dancing , so it’s ideal for the better half…

“So, what’s in it for me?” I hear you say.

I have one word for you, Burlesque.
 Anyhow it has a UK release date of the 17th of December and this is the trailer. Enjoy!


Do you want to go Faster?

Dwayne Johnson, formly The Rock, stars in the fast paced action flick, Faster. Double crossed during a heist and left for dead, an ex-con sets out to avenge his murdered brother. To make things harder for Dwayne, he is also being tracker by a veteran cop and an egocentric hit man. This looks like a non stop fast paced roller coaster ride of a film.

Faster has a UK release date of the 25th of February 2011, so not too long to wait. Here’s the trailer.


Getting in the Spirit of things

We put our Christmas tree up last night and before you ask, it’s a particularly splendid Norway Spruce from HomeBase (only £9.99). So with the smell of Christmas and all the bright lights it got me thinking about the Christmas films. So I quickly put together a list of my top five Christmas films.

At Number 5 I have chosen Home Alone. Eight year old Kevin, Macaulay Culkin, is accidently left at home over Christmas whilst his family go on Holiday. If that wasn’t enough Kevin then has to defend his house against a couple of bungling crooks. He’s just a kid…

Making Number 4 in my list is Die Hard. On Christmas eve a group of terrorist highjack a Los Angeles office building and hold the partying workers hostage. However they didn’t count on off duty New York cop John McClane, Bruce Willis. Yippee Ki Yay…

Scrooged rocks in a Number 3. A nasty selfish TV executive, Bill Murray, will do anything to promote his live version of A Christmas Carol. But he is warned by the ghost of his former boss to change his ways and that he will be visited by three ghosts. Quick, what time is it?

My Number 2 Christmas film is The National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Clark Griswold, Chevy Chase, loves Christmas and will do whatever it takes to have the best family Christmas ever. What could possibly go wrong?

At Number 1 there can be no other, It is The Muppet Christmas Carol. I’m quite sure that Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol knowing that one day the Muppets and Michael Caine would get together to give us the best Christmas film ever. Humbug!


Warning – May contain proper Vampires

That’s right Vampires that are monsters, blood thirsty monsters who don’t sparkle in the light and fall in love with their food.  Priest is the story of a hero from the first Vampire - Human war who now lives inside one of the many walled human cities run by the Church.  When his niece is kidnapped by the vampires Priest leaves the city against the will of the church and attempts to rescue her before she is turned or eaten!

Priest has a UK release date of the 13th of May 2011.  Keep an eye out for Stephen Moyer, of True Blood fame, in the trailer.


Are you Quantum Leap in disguise?

This is the Source Code.  It is about a soldier, played by Jake Gyllenhall, whose mind has been placed into another man’s body minutes before a terrorist attack.  All he has to do is find out who the terrorist is!  If he fails, he finds himself back at the beginning and it all starts again.  It’s like Quantum Leap meets Groundhog Day.  Can he identify the terrorist?  Can he save the girl (there's always a girl)?

The Source Code has a UK release date of the 11th of March 2011 and this is the trailer.


Who turned off the Lights?

If you’re in the mood for something a little more mysterious, something that will make you jump? And then spend ever night sitting up with the lights on? Well, you are in luck, although you could alos be in for a wait as Vanishing on 7th Street doesn’t have a UK release date yet, but is set to be released in February 2011 in the USA so hopefully not too much later than that.

Just don’t turn off the lights!!!


Mindless Fun

So on Monday I told you about Cowboys and Aliens and in keeping with that theme today I give you Cowboys and… Ninjas! You know it’s what you’ve always been waiting for, or is that Cowboys and Aliens and Ninjas. Although, sadly I can’t give you that because no one has made it… yet!

The Warrior’s Way has a UK release date of the 3rd December 2010, so that’s this Friday.  Here’s the trailer.

Surely you can’t be Serious!

I am Serious and don’t call me Shirley!
With over sixty years in the business Leslie Nielsen should be remember as one of the great comedic actors.  With his trade mark deadpan expression he has delivered countless lines that have had audiences literally rolling around in laughter.  Although, it wasn’t until Airplane! that he found his true calling, before that he had mostly played quite serious characters and even went through a period of playing the baddie.  Sadly however, Leslie Nielsen passed away on the 28th November 2010.
These are my favourite Leslie Nielsen films.
In 1980 Leslie Nielsen played the very serious Dr. Rumack in Airplane!

In 1988 he starred as bungling detective, Frank Drebin, in the film version of Police Squad - The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

Back in 1956 Leslie Nielsen starred as Commander JJ Adams in Forbidden Planet, a fantastic science fiction story even by today’s standards.

In 1990 he starred as Father Jebedaiah Mayii in the musical spoof of The Exorcist - Repossessed.

In 1991 Leslie Nielsen reprised his role as Frank Drebin in the sequal to The Naked Gun - The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear

Finally here are some words of wisdom to remember him by.
“Doing nothing is very hard to do . . . you never know when you're finished.” – Leslie Nielsen


Take me to your… Sheriff

Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig star in this fantastically named film, Cowboys and Aliens. Find out what happens when a stranger appears outside of a small town in Arizona, with no memory and a strange device around his wrist.  Before he can settle in and try to recover his memories strange lights appear in the sky and then all hell breaks loose. The only problem is you’ve got to wait until the 12th of August 2011 for the UK release date.


Not Another Bus

Ok, so it’s not another monster movie, but it is an invasion from another planet so that’s good another.  Battle: Los Angeles follows a US Marine platoon attempt to fight off an alien invasion in Los Angeles.  It also sometimes goes under the title World Invasion: Battle LA, which I hope is because they have more of these lined up at different locations around the world.

Battle: Los Angeles has a UK release date of the 25th of March 2011, so stick another date in your diary.  Anyhow here is the trailer;


Johnny Depp is a chameleon (literally).  Sporting his best Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas shirt Rango finds himself in a mean western town full of bandits and outlaws.  Can this reluctant hero get out alive?

This is the first animated film from Industrial Light and Magic, the special effects company that was created as a result of Star Wars.  Rango has a UK release date of the 4th of March 2011.


Back to Reality

So that was the top ten films set on earth according to Ian, could there be anyone more suitable to provide such a list as someone who only watches films set on earth?


If I knew anyone who only watched films set in space I would have asked them to provide me with the top ten films set in space, but I don’t, so here’s my top ten films set in space, also in no particular order;

What would be your top ten films set in space?

Space Avoider!

I have a friend, let’s call him Ian (because that is his name), who has a set of rules when it comes to watching films.  The primary rule is that it cannot be set in space or have something come from space.  To me this seems like a fairly unusual rule, especially because some of my favourite films are set in space.  In order to see what makes Ian tick I asked him to provide me with his ten favourite films that are not set in space.  Here they are in no particular order;

There are clearly some good films in there, and some that I haven’t seen, but I still can’t imagine not watching any films set in space.  It's just not natural!!!

Is Ian weird?  What do you think?


The Usual Excuses

I had hoped to by delivering my first review today having watched Skyline on Wednesday, utilising Orange Wednesday. Unfortunately however I was unable to go as Orange Wednesday is a two for one offer and none of my friends were able to go. It was the usual excuses;

  1. I can’t make this week…
  2. My wife could go into labour…
  3. I don’t like films with any element set in space…
And as you probably know two for one offers don’t work when you are only one. What about the misses, I hear you say? That was a complete no go, I know better than to ask Jess if she wants to go and watch a film about aliens devouring the entire human race.

So in recognition of these excuses here is a trailer for Due Date, which is set entirely on earth and has a lot to do with someone’s wife going into labour.


Sugar and Splice and all things Nice!

Splice, available on DVD on the 29th of November, appears to have slipped through completely unnoticed.  It is the story of two scientists splicing animal genes to create cures for diseases and other such scientific advances.  Now they are ready to make the next step in the project and introduce human DNA, only they cannot get approval. But that’s not going to stop them is it now.  Here’s a little taste of what to expect.


The Force is strong with this One

Firstly let me say that if you don’t like a little bit of swearing then this is not the post for you. Don’t worry too much however as it’s not me that will be doing the swearing, it will be none other than Brick Vader! This is a fantastic collection of clips from the Star Wars films with some audio from Snatch placed over the top. It is unbelievably hilarious and one of my all time favourite YouTube Videos, so without any further delay here it is…

Welcome to Snatch Wars


Calling all Geeks

Do you remember… Tron?

Released in 1982 it would definitly make it into my top twenty films from the ‘80s. Well, finally after 28 years of waiting here is the sequel, Tron: Legacy. Tron was the future. It looked like it was from a different world when it was originally released.

In Tron: Legacy Jeff Bridges reprises his role from the original as Kevin Flynn and stars alongside a twenty year younger version of himself. To top it off the entire soundtrack has been put together by Daft Punk. It has a UK release date of the 17th December and I for one cannot wait.


I want one of those

This next clip is the work of Patrick Boivin and if you get a chance you really need to check out his work.  I'm not going to tell you anything about the clip, you just need to watch it.  You'll be glad you did.  Genius!

Can I bring myself to do it?

A while back I saw a trailer for a film that looked incredible, visually mind-bending. But then I saw him… why, what’s he doing there. It all looked so good, but there was still that one thing stopping me from seeing it. The last time I saw that thing was a film called The Beach, highly ranked in my all time worst films list, and before that it was a film called Titanic, officially top of the before mentioned list of films. Now he’s here and looks to stop me from watching what looks like a fantastic film. Anyhow, he is Leonardo DiCaprio and the film is Inception and it is available to buy on DVD as of the 6th December and I’m not sure what to do.



One for the Future

This in one film I really cannot wait to see. I don’t really know what it’s all about and that doesn’t seem that important. All you need to do is watch the trailer and you will know as much as I do; you need to see this film. Well it has a UK release date of the 25th of March 2011, so, looks like we are all going to have to wait. Oh, and you are probably going to want to know what it’s called.

Sucker Punch

Energy Saving Light Bulbs?

Who needs them when you have the Green Lantern, pause for groan!

The Green Lantern is by no means my favourite super hero. If I’m honest I don’t think he would even make my top ten, however if I said I wasn’t excited about the Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds (I loved him in Van Wilder, I was sure he would be the new Chevy Chase however he chose a different path). Does the introduction of the Green Lantern mean that we will see Wonder Woman getting a film, all in a lead up to a Justice League movie with Batman and Superman? Is it really that much of a stretch of the imagination as the Avengers are current in production but that’s another story all together?

It has a UK release date of the 17th June 2011 which is some way away. Until then enjoy the trailer.