
Dredd 3D

I shall start by saying that I am not a fan of 3D, it does nothing to enhance the story and is just a gimmick that the movie industries try to revive every twenty years or so.  In Dredd however the 3D probably does a little something for the story, mostly because there is no story! It's very straight forward Dredd locked in tower block with evil gang with lots of fire-power. This is not the worst movie ever, Stallone pretty much took care of that in his version, but it really could have done with a little more story and less reliance on over the top gore and 3D (which admittedly did look really good in the slow-motion). It reminds me of when Robocop when it first came out with how shocking the violence and gore was, well this is clearly the next step up. Good but should have been better.

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