
Film 256/365, Day 276/365 – Sucker Punch

Probably the best way for me to describe this film is to first list what I liked and then what I didn’t.  Firstly then, I loved the visuals, the music, the concept and pretty much everything… until… the ending!  This is yet another example of why directors should not be writing their own material, it’s another beautifully made film ruined by an awful twist/ending.  Would have easily got 5 stars had it had a good ending, even an adequate ending would have been enough!

Synopsis:  Following the death of her mother a young girl is institutionalized by her abusive step father who also puts a plan in motion to have her lobotomized before her side of the story can get out.  The girl slips into a fantasy world as a coping mechanism as she desperately tries to escape.

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