
Film 147/365, Day 158/365 – Orange County

Charming comedy and story of a guy finding his way only to discover he was never lost.  I’ll be the first to say that Orange County might not be for everyone.  Shaun’s dysfunctional family make for some very uncomfortable moments, but it is his stoner brother, played by Jack Black, that really steals the show.  A comedy with a good story at it’s heart.

Synopsis:  Shaun Brumder is a high achieving student and ever since he found a book half buried in the sand he has wanted to be an author.  So much so that he is willing to leave California behind in order to study under the author of the book that changed his life at Stanford.  Unfortunately the guidance counselor sends off the wrong transcript and he doesn’t get it.  But he’s not going to give up that easily.

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