
Film 155/365, Day 163/365 – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Excellent Swedish crime thriller.  One of the things I liked with the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is that you generally learn things as the characters do which I think makes it more enjoyable.  The worrying thing however is that it looks like there isn’t much to do in Sweden except rape and murder but then the same could be said for any crime drama location (except here everyone seems to be doing it)!!!  Good film, it will be interesting to see how the Hollywood version compares.

Synopsis:  Mikael Blomkvist has been hired by the former head of the Vanger Corporation to find out who killed his niece forty years ago.  The Vanger Corporation is a family run business where nobody really likes each other so they could all be suspects.  With Mikael struggling to discover any new information he hires Lisbeth Salander, a computer hacker, to help in his investigation.

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