
Review of June 2011

And that is the half way point, six months down and six months to go.  I ended last month eleven films behind and have ended this month nine films behind, although at one point I had got it down to only four films behind but then I went on holiday and wasn't able to fit any in.  Still that gives me plenty of hope that it is possible to catch up before the end of the year.

Here is my progress to date

Here is the new to old film ratio.

I saw fifteen new films this month which keeps me on target for one third of my films being new.

Here are how the films have been rated.

There were eight films that scored five stars in May, but there were four films scoring less than three stars.  Mostly good, but there have some pretty bad stuff.

And here is the percentage of my time that I have spent watching films so far this year.

More and more film stars have joined the list of names at the bottom of each review.  Bruce Willis has jumped back into the front, starring in seven films.  It was a good month for Angelina Jolie who is now tied in second with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I better get on with it then!

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