
Film 56/365, Day 60/365 – Die Hard 2: Die Harder

John McClane, now with the L.A. police department, finds himself in Washington DC for Christmas. Waiting for his wife to arrive from a flight from L.A. John uncovers a plot to take over the airport. Before it’s too late, and anyone will listen to him, the terrorists take complete control of the airport and shut down the runways leaving a number of planes circling in the skies above slowly running out of fuel.

Whilst not quite as good as the original Die Hard 2 is still a great follow up. All of the characters from the first film make an appearance throughout the film except of of course for poor old Hans Gruber. Which I think is why I don’t give it as good a rating, Alan Rickman is practically irreplaceable. What you do get from Die Hard 2 is great action and all the fun and excitement.

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