
Film 59/365, Day 63/365 – Fletch

Fletch is an investigatory journalist working on a story about drug pushing on a Los Angeles beach. One day whilst pretending to be a down and out looking for his next hit he is approached by a man who makes him an interesting proposition. He claims to have a nasty form of cancer and needs Fletch to murder him so that his insurance will pay out to his family. Curious Fletch begins to research the man, which leads him back to the drugs. Will Fletch work it all out before it’s too late? 

Fletch, played by Chevy Chase, is a bizarre yet brilliant character. Chevy Chase oozes charisma and ever line is excellently delivered and whilst the story is fairly intriguing it sadly doesn’t quite hold up to more modern films. It is some fairly light entertainment with one of the all time great comedic actors. If you’ve got some time and it’s on, why not give it a go?

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