
Review of February 2011

Well we are now two months into Film Year and here is the review of how it's going.

Overall I am now 5 films behind but I am still plodding along and currently have just started a week off work so should make up some ground pretty quickly.

Here is how I am doing with watching new to old films.

I have seen now seen more old films than new films but only just.  If I can keep it to this sort of ratio I will easily complete my target of a third of the films to be new films.

This is how the rating of the films has been going, there have been some really good ones and some really really bad ones, but they all count.

And finally here is the percentage of my time that I have spent watching films so far this year.

So no change there then!  I have now seen a few more actors in main roles more than once although yet to see anymore in three films.  Here are the names of the lucky few.
Well, it's been nice catching up, now I need to get back to it!

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