
Film 61/365, Day 64/365 – A Perfect Getaway

More like a perfect waste of time!  The film wasn’t a complete waste though as it could serve as an example of how not to lay a film out.  Don’t have the characters start talking about the concept of a ‘Red Herring’ just so you can try and throw one at us.  Spoiler warning – if they are the killers don’t have them having little private conversations about whether or not they think the other couple are the killers, that is just ridiculous.

Synopsis: Newly weds Cliff and Cydney are in Hawaii for their honeymoon.  They decide to go hiking to a beach that is only accessible by foot or kayak.  Whilst on their way there they hear of a murder on one of the islands.  Rather than turn back they join up with another couple, Nick and Gina, and continue towards the beach.  Then when they discover that the killers may have gone to their island they begin to suspect each other of being the killers.

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